Shipping Policy

For local and/or international purchasers, a soft copy verifying the shipping will be supplied. Orders are delivered within 7 to 10 days once they have been shipped through recognized courier services or rapid post (for domestic shipment). The courier agency’s policies will always apply to the delivery of the package. Ashram is not responsible for any delivery delays caused by courier services or postal authorities. All orders will be delivered to the address that the customer provided when placing their order for the goods. Divya Astro Ashram LLP retains the right to email the customer to inform them of any shipping delays and/or to refund any money paid by the buyer at the time of placing their purchase for the goods if they are unable to supply it. Despite anything else in this clause, They will not be responsible (financially or otherwise) for any delays in delivery or for any refunds of the money the customer paid at the time of placing the purchase if the product is not available at Divya Astro Ashram LLP.